perennials   m-n


Maianthemum dilatatum 'Baby Moon'

Very pretty variety of this broad-leaved species with creamy-yellow edged, roundish foliage. Much prettier than the native species. White, fragrant flowers on short panicles from May to June. Forms a dense, low carpet of attractive leaves, ingrown specimens withstand even in dry shade. Still very rare.

7,00 €

  • 0,3 kg
  • only a few available
  • 5 - 8 working days1

Morina - Himalayan Whorlflower

Morina longifolia

This is a beautiful perennial from Asia. The species called Himalayan Whorlflower forms a spiked, evergreen rosette of lanceolate leaves, from whose mid-July the impressive and steady inflorescences rise to 1 m high. In bloom, the single flowers are still pure white, in the blooming they tend and discolor strong pink, a charming play of colors. With us, the perennials still thrive a second time after the main flower and bloom a second time at the latest from October. For nutrient-rich soil in the sun and partial shade.

8,00 €

  • 0,3 kg
  • available
  • 5 - 8 working days1

x Mukgenia

x Mukgenia 'Nova Flame'

This perennial is an amazing genus hybrid of Mukdenia and Bergenia that combines the best qualities of the parents. From Bergenia, the variety has taken over the large, bright flowers in strong red. Mukdenia has inherited the typical sawn leaf margin and the impressive autumn color. Attracts in contrast to Bergenia in winter. Clumpy growth up to 30 cm in height and width. Partly shady location.

8,00 €

  • 0,5 kg
  • sold out - we have to propagate...


Roederstrasze 12

01454 Leppersdorf



Opening Times


15.00 - 18.00

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